<艺术icle about="/academics/programs/masters/mathematics-specialist1" class="node node--type-program node--view-mode-full" role="艺术icle">
About this Program

这个研究生课程可以获得教育学硕士学位, 小学主修数学专业(PK-8), and meets VA requirements for MSP endorsement. 这个项目是与理学院合作提供的, Dep艺术ment of Mathematics and Statistics.

Program Highlights

  • 该课程专为对教师领导和数学有浓厚兴趣且至少有三年成功教学经验的教师设计.

  • 该课程强调学习K-8数学,以提高对数学的理解,并在年级内和跨年级建立联系.

  • 该计划提供以学习者为中心的“做”和数学教学,以开发促进学习的教学和教学方法.

  • 该项目培养重视不同学习者的教师领导,并通过利用数学过程和实践标准的公平方法来支持他们的学习方式,以达到所有学习者.

Degree Level
Degree Earned
Master of Science in Education
Delivery Modes


Check out these ideas from ODU Career Development 服务sOccupational Information Network (O*NET). 中位数工资是人们通常收入的中间值——一半的受访者收入高于中位数工资, and half earned below.

<艺术icle about="/middle-school-teachers-except-special-and-careertechnical-education" class="node node--type-career node--view-mode-career-listing" role="艺术icle">


$61,040 Median Salary

在公立或私立学校中教授学生一门或多门课程, intermediate, or junior high level, 根据相关法律法规,哪个阶段属于小学阶段和高中阶段.

<艺术icle about="/kinderg艺术en-teachers-except-special-education" class="node node--type-career node--view-mode-career-listing" role="艺术icle">

Kinderg艺术en Teachers, Except Special Education

$57,110 Median Salary

Teach elemental natural and 社会 science, personal hygiene, 音乐, 艺术, and literature to kinderg艺术en students. Promote physical, mental, and 社会 development. May be required to hold State certification.

<艺术icle about="/elementary-school-teachers-except-special-education" class="node node--type-career node--view-mode-career-listing" role="艺术icle">

Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education

$60,830 Median Salary

Teach students basic academic, 社会, 以及在公立或私立学校小学阶段的其他形成性技能.


进入具有数学专家背书的基础教育教育科学硕士课程的学生应符合最低大学入学要求 研究生 入学.

Candidates must:

  • 有3年成功的数学课堂教学经验;

  • 持有地区认可的学院/大学的学士学位;

  • 持有弗吉尼亚大学专业执照或其他州的同等执照.

  • Have an undergraduate grade point average of 2.80 and an average of 3.00 in the major; and

  • Submit an application for graduate studies.


Estimated rates for the 2023-24 academic year. Rates are subject to change. 任何目前不是弗吉尼亚州居民的人都将被收取非居民费率. That includes international students.

Virginia Resident
成本 Per-Credit $599
成本 Per-Credit $623
成本 Per-Credit $1,439


Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending ODU. For more information visit University Student Financial aid

Virginia Educator's Discount
