

Students with pending domicile decisions are responsible for paying tuition for at least the in-state rate by the tuition deadline. 住所决定后, 如果学生被分类在州外率, 州内和州外税率之间的差额将立即缴纳. 不要等到最后的住所决定才交学费!



你必须在开学前申请. 我们建议至少提前三周开始.

州内学费特权只授予那些申请州内学费的人. 学生们应该开始申请了 至少21天 学期前. 在任何情况下,第一天上课后的申请都不能被考虑. 州法律禁止对住所(居住地)的追溯考虑。. 该应用程序将要求您提供 有效证件 你的资格. 身份随学校变化的学生, 或者没有注册一年或更长时间的学生必须重新申请州内学费.

要申请州内学费,请查看大学的政策 居住权的决心 完成 申请州内学费 (纸质表格亦可于罗林斯大楼教务处索龋). 填妥的表格应在网上提交给大学注册办公室, 在人, 或传真 在第一天上课之前 对于问题中的项.



大学注册 罗林斯大厅1009号, 最靠谱的网赌软件 弗吉尼亚州诺福克23529-0053.


传真至大学注册处 757-683-5357


现役军人, 现役警卫或预备役队员, 或被动员或执行临时现役命令六个月以上的警卫或预备役人员,他们住在维珍有资格享受州内学费. 要符合资格,现役军人必须申请州内学费率使用 现役/退伍军人学费申请.


Spouses 和 dependent children of active duty military who may qualify for the 军事 Dependent 学费 Benefit are strongly encouraged to contact the 办公室 of the 大学注册 or the appropriate base representatives for full information 和 application forms. 军人配偶/家属学费津贴表 和 a copy of the military member's orders to Virginia must be submitted to the 办公室 of the 大学注册 prior to beginning classes.


2020年秋季生效, any student who attended high school for at least two years in the Commonwealth of Virginia 和 either:

  • 七月一日或以后毕业, 2008, 从英联邦的公立或私立高中或家庭教育项目毕业 or
  • 通过了, 七月一日或之后, 2008, 由教育部长批准的高中同等学历考试; 
  • 除非州法律另有规定, has filed Virginia income tax returns for at least two years prior to the date of registration or enrollment, 或者在一个依赖学生的情况下, 至少有一位家长, 《最靠谱的网赌软件》, 或者代理父母的人已经这样做了; 
  • Registers as an entering student or is enrolled in a public institution of higher education in the Commonwealth will be eligible for in-state tuition regardless of their citizenship or immigration status.
  • 目前持有F、H3、J或M签证的学生不符合资格 弗吉尼亚法典第23条.1-506(A)(10).

符合上述标准的学生可以使用“州内学费申请表-高中填写表(也可在 注册主任表格网站). Non-degree students who wish to be considered for in-state tuition rates must submit the completed application with their non-degree entry form.

现役军人, 现役警卫或预备役队员, 或被动员或执行临时现役命令六个月以上的警卫或预备役人员,他们住在维珍有资格享受州内学费. 要符合资格,现役军人必须申请州内学费率使用 现役/退伍军人学费申请.


Spouses 和 dependent children of active duty military who may qualify for the 军事 Dependent 学费 Benefit are strongly encouraged to contact the 办公室 of the 大学注册 or the appropriate base representatives for full information 和 application forms. 军人配偶/家属学费津贴表 和 a copy of the military member's orders to Virginia must be submitted to the 办公室 of the 大学注册 prior to beginning classes.


2020年秋季生效, any student who attended high school for at least two years in the Commonwealth of Virginia 和 either:

  • 七月一日或以后毕业, 2008, 从英联邦的公立或私立高中或家庭教育项目毕业 or
  • 通过了, 七月一日或之后, 2008, 由教育部长批准的高中同等学历考试; 
  • 除非州法律另有规定, has filed Virginia income tax returns for at least two years prior to the date of registration or enrollment, 或者在一个依赖学生的情况下, 至少有一位家长, 《最靠谱的网赌软件》, 或者代理父母的人已经这样做了; 
  • Registers as an entering student or is enrolled in a public institution of higher education in the Commonwealth will be eligible for in-state tuition regardless of their citizenship or immigration status.
  • 目前持有F、H3、J或M签证的学生不符合资格 弗吉尼亚法典第23条.1-506(A)(10).

符合上述标准的学生可以使用“州内学费申请表-高中填写表(也可在 注册主任表格网站). Non-degree students who wish to be considered for in-state tuition rates must submit the completed application with their non-degree entry form.


如果你在大学的身份发生了变化,你必须提交一份新的州内学费申请. 例如, 如果你从无学位变成追求学位, 本科生转研究生, 或者是研究生项目发生了变化, 你必须重新提交.


这是学生的责任 提出或提出上诉 改变他或她的居住分类 在上课之前 对于问题中的项.



国务院高等教育委员会为弗吉尼亚州提供一般的, descriptive information about establishing Virginia domicile in order to qualify for in-state tuition. 查询机构学费分类决定, 或者涉及特殊情况的解释, 应该被引导到学生计划就读的机构吗.

的 conditions by which a student may be considered "in-state" for purposes of tuition classification are set forth by 23章.1-500--510. Although individuals may be considered state residents for voting 和 other legal purposes after being in the state for a short period of time, the Code outlines specific additional requirements that must be met to be classified as "in-state" for tuition purposes.

By law a student or the student's parent(s) must be domiciled 在维吉尼亚州 for at least 12 continuous months immediately preceding the first day of classes.

是的, 但你必须维持你在弗吉尼亚建立的关系, 比如将任何收入申报为弗吉尼亚的收入来纳税. Any interruption or change in these connections could be sufficient cause to negate whatever domicile has been established 和 could result in having to reestablish domicile upon returning to Virginia. 在你离开这个州之前,你应该和学校的学费分类官员核实一下.


不一定. 每个人必须根据学费法规定建立自己的住所.

是的, recipients of the 学费 Assistance Grant (TAG) 和 other Virginia student aid programs must be domiciliary residents.

班.S. citizens are legally capable of establishing domicile where they have been granted the status of lawful permanent residents by the U.S. 移民服务. 移民可能会说, 并试图证明, 与任何美国公民一样,有资格享受弗吉尼亚州的州内学费. 责任落在了学生身上, 清晰而令人信服, 他或她必须在弗吉尼亚州居住一年.

No. 的 弗吉尼亚法典 提供一些例外情况,在这些例外情况下,州内学费或学费减免率可能可用. 从2006年秋季开始,所有现役军人的家属被分配到 常驻工作地点 在维吉尼亚州, 以及居住在弗吉尼亚的人, 有资格获得联邦学院和大学的州内学费, 只要他们一直在这个机构注册. 军人配偶和家属必须申请这项福利.

是的. 非军人配偶必须满足与任何新居民相同的居住要求.

No. 7月1日生效, 2007, active duty military who are assigned to a Virginia military installation 和 reside 在维吉尼亚州 are eligible for the in-state tuition rate. 军人学生必须申请才能获得州内费率.

No. 申请人必须分别在每所院校递交申请. 每个机构必须有适当的文件来支持其分类决定.

每一所公立高等教育机构都设立了一个 上诉程序 对于质疑州内收费资格的学生. 上诉程序包括立即审查和最后行政审查. Due process procedures shall be in writing 和 shall include time limitations in order to provide for orderly 和 timely resolutions of all disputes. Any party aggrieved by a final administrative decision shall have the right of review in the Circuit Court for the jurisdiction in which the institution is located.


住所是现在, fixed home of an individual to which he or she returns following temporary absences 和 at which he or she intends to remain indefinitely. 在英联邦的住所必须在第一天上课前12个月建立.

意向,连同实际存在,建立住所(居住地). 学费法列出了几个可以用来确定意图是否成立的因素. 没有一个因素是充分的. 在确定定居意图时, 以下所有适用于个人的因素都会被考虑在内:

  • 作为居民缴纳弗吉尼亚州所得税
  • 在弗吉尼亚州登记投票
  • 在弗吉尼亚拥有不动产
  • 接受弗吉尼亚的永久工作
  • 获得弗吉尼亚机动车驾驶执照
  • 在弗吉尼亚登记的机动车
  • 在第一天上课之前,在弗吉尼亚州连续居住至少一年
  • 财政支持的来源
  • 支票或储蓄账户的所在地或与弗吉尼亚州的其他经济关系
  • any other factors which are peculiar to the individual which tend to establish intent to make Virginia one's permanent home.

的 burden is assumed by the applicant to provide as much information 和 documentation as appropriate to support intent. 没有一套适用于个人的标准来记录特殊情况.

Substantial financial support means financial support in an amount which equals or exceeds that required to qualify the individual to be listed as a dependent on federal 和 state income tax returns (more than 50%).

Any student who is listed as a dependent on the federal or state income tax return of his or her parent or legal 《最靠谱的网赌软件》 or who receives substantial financial support from his or her parents or legal 《最靠谱的网赌软件》.

任何学生的父母已经放弃了他或她的照顾权, 抚养权及收益, 不再支持他或她, 和 have not claimed him or her as a dependent on federal 和 state income tax returns for at least 12 months prior to the date of the alleged entitlement.

An emancipated minor is a student under the age of 18 whose parents or 《最靠谱的网赌软件》s have surrendered the right to his or her care, 抚养权和收入以及不再将其作为受抚养人纳税的人.

A legal 《最靠谱的网赌软件》 is someone appointed by the court with personal or financial responsibility for a minor. Note: Court verification that the appointment was not for tuition purposes 和 that parents do not contribute to the minor's support is required routinely.

住所是现在, fixed home of an individual to which he or she returns following temporary absences 和 at which he or she intends to remain indefinitely. 在英联邦的住所必须在第一天上课前12个月建立.

意向,连同实际存在,建立住所(居住地). 学费法列出了几个可以用来确定意图是否成立的因素. 没有一个因素是充分的. 在确定定居意图时, 以下所有适用于个人的因素都会被考虑在内:

  • 作为居民缴纳弗吉尼亚州所得税
  • 在弗吉尼亚州登记投票
  • 在弗吉尼亚拥有不动产
  • 接受弗吉尼亚的永久工作
  • 获得弗吉尼亚机动车驾驶执照
  • 在弗吉尼亚登记的机动车
  • 在第一天上课之前,在弗吉尼亚州连续居住至少一年
  • 财政支持的来源
  • 支票或储蓄账户的所在地或与弗吉尼亚州的其他经济关系
  • any other factors which are peculiar to the individual which tend to establish intent to make Virginia one's permanent home.

的 burden is assumed by the applicant to provide as much information 和 documentation as appropriate to support intent. 没有一套适用于个人的标准来记录特殊情况.

Substantial financial support means financial support in an amount which equals or exceeds that required to qualify the individual to be listed as a dependent on federal 和 state income tax returns (more than 50%).

Any student who is listed as a dependent on the federal or state income tax return of his or her parent or legal 《最靠谱的网赌软件》 or who receives substantial financial support from his or her parents or legal 《最靠谱的网赌软件》.

任何学生的父母已经放弃了他或她的照顾权, 抚养权及收益, 不再支持他或她, 和 have not claimed him or her as a dependent on federal 和 state income tax returns for at least 12 months prior to the date of the alleged entitlement.

An emancipated minor is a student under the age of 18 whose parents or 《最靠谱的网赌软件》s have surrendered the right to his or her care, 抚养权和收入以及不再将其作为受抚养人纳税的人.

A legal 《最靠谱的网赌软件》 is someone appointed by the court with personal or financial responsibility for a minor. Note: Court verification that the appointment was not for tuition purposes 和 that parents do not contribute to the minor's support is required routinely.